ISO-10303-21; HEADER; /* NOTE a valid model view name has to be asserted, replacing 'notYetAssigned' ----------------- */ FILE_DESCRIPTION(('ViewDefinition [notYetAssigned]','Comment [manual creation of example file]'),'2;1'); /* NOTE standard header information according to ISO 10303-21 ---------------------------------- */ FILE_NAME('basic_shape_CSG.ifc','2012-06-15T18:00:00',('Thomas Liebich'),('buildingSMART International'),'IFC text editor','IFC text editor','reference file created for the IFC4 specification'); /* NOTE schema name to be replaced with 'IFC4' after the final release ------------------------ */ FILE_SCHEMA(('IFC4')); ENDSEC; DATA; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* general entities required for all IFC data sets, defining the context for the exchange ------ */ #100=IFCPROJECT('0xScRe4drECQ4DMSqUjd6d',#110,'proxy with CSG',$,$,$,$,(#201),#301); /* single owner history sufficient if not otherwise required by the view definition ------------ */ /* provides the person and application creating the data set, and the time it is created ------- */ #110=IFCOWNERHISTORY(#111,#115,$,.ADDED.,1320688800,$,$,1320688800); #111=IFCPERSONANDORGANIZATION(#112,#113,$); #112=IFCPERSON($,'Liebich','Thomas',$,$,$,$,$); #113=IFCORGANIZATION($,'buildingSMART International',$,$,$); #115=IFCAPPLICATION(#113,'1.0','IFC text editor','ifcTE'); /* each IFC data set containing geometry has to define a geometric representation context ------ */ /* the attribute 'ContextType' has to be 'Model' for 3D model geometry ------------------------- */ #201=IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONCONTEXT($,'Model',3,1.0E-5,#210,$); /* the attribute 'ContextIdentifier' has to be 'Body' for the main 3D shape representation ----- */ #202=IFCGEOMETRICREPRESENTATIONSUBCONTEXT('Body','Model',,,,,#201,$,.MODEL_VIEW.,$); #210=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#901,$,$); /* each IFC data set containing geometry has to define at absolute minimum length and angle ---- */ /* here length is milli metre as SI unit, and plane angle is 'degree' as non SI unit ----------- */ #301=IFCUNITASSIGNMENT((#311,#312)); #311=IFCSIUNIT(,.LENGTHUNIT.,.MILLI.,.METRE.); #312=IFCCONVERSIONBASEDUNIT(#313,.PLANEANGLEUNIT.,'degree',#314); #313=IFCDIMENSIONALEXPONENTS(0,0,0,0,0,0,0); #314=IFCMEASUREWITHUNIT(IFCPLANEANGLEMEASURE(0.017453293),#315); #315=IFCSIUNIT(,.PLANEANGLEUNIT.,$,.RADIAN.); /* each IFC data set containing elements in a building context has to include a building ------- */ /* at absolute minimum (could have a site and stories as well) --------------------------------- */ #500=IFCBUILDING('2FCZDorxHDT8NI01kdXi8P',$,'Test Building',$,$,#511,$,$,.ELEMENT.,$,$,$); /* if the building is the uppermost spatial structure element it defines the absolut position -- */ #511=IFCLOCALPLACEMENT($,#512); /* no rotation - z and x axes set to '$' are therefore identical to "world coordinate system" -- */ #512=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#901,$,$); /* if the building is the uppermost spatial structure element it is assigned to the project ---- */ #519=IFCRELAGGREGATES('2YBqaV_8L15eWJ9DA1sGmT',$,$,$,#100,(#500)); /* shared coordinates - it is permissable to share common instances to reduce file size -------- */ #901=IFCCARTESIANPOINT((0.,0.,0.)); #902=IFCDIRECTION((1.,0.,0.)); #903=IFCDIRECTION((0.,1.,0.)); #904=IFCDIRECTION((0.,0.,1.)); #905=IFCDIRECTION((-1.,0.,0.)); #906=IFCDIRECTION((0.,-1.,0.)); #907=IFCDIRECTION((0.,0.,-1.)); /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* proxy element with CSG shape representation, assigned to the building ----------------------- */ #1000=IFCBUILDINGELEMENTPROXY('1kTvXnbbzCWw8lcMd1dR4o',$,'P-1','sample CSG',$,#1001,#1010,$,$); /* proxy element placement relative to the building -------------------------------------------- */ #1001=IFCLOCALPLACEMENT(#511,#1002); /* set local placement to 1 meter on x-axis, and 0 on y, and 0 on z axes ----------------------- */ /* no rotation - z and x axes set to '$' are therefore identical to those of building ---------- */ #1002=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#1003,$,$); #1003=IFCCARTESIANPOINT((1000.,0.,0.)); /* proxy element shape representation ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #1010=IFCPRODUCTDEFINITIONSHAPE($,$,(#1020)); /* a single shape representation of type 'CSG' is included ------------------------------------- */ #1020=IFCSHAPEREPRESENTATION(#202,'Body','CSG',(#1021)); /* CSG representation consisting of a single primitive ---------------------------------------- */ /* box, 1m width, 1m depth, 2m height ---------------------------------------------------------- */ #1021=IFCCSGSOLID(#1022); #1022=IFCBLOCK(#1023,1000.,1000.,2000.); #1023=IFCAXIS2PLACEMENT3D(#1024,$,$); #1024=IFCCARTESIANPOINT((-500.,-500.,0.)); /* proxy element assigned to the building ------------------------------------------------------ */ #10000=IFCRELCONTAINEDINSPATIALSTRUCTURE('2TnxZkTXT08eDuMuhUUFNy',$,'Physical model',$,(#1000),#500); ENDSEC; END-ISO-10303-21;