Definition from buildingSMART International: The one-to-one
relationship assigns a structural member (as instance of IfcStructuralMember
or its subclasses) to a physical element (as instance of IfcElement
or its subclasses) to keep the association between the design or
detailing element and the structural analysis element.
Both, the IfcElement and the IfcStructuralMember,
may involve any number (zero, one, or many) associations between
physical and analytical element. Multiple instances of IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement
can therefore be used to reflect the many-to-many nature of the
association between physical and analytical elements.
entity in Release IFC2x Edition 3.
EXPRESS specification:
ENTITY IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement
Attribute definitions:
The physical element, representing a design or detailing part, that is connected to the structural member as its (partial) analytical idealization.
The structural member that is associated with the element of which it represents the analytical idealization.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement;