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Definition from buildingSMART: The IfcProductRepresentation defines a representation of a product, including its (geometric or topological) representation. A product can have zero, one or many geometric representations, and a single geometric representation can be shared among various products using mapped representations.

NOTE: The definition of this entity relates to the STEP entity property_definition. The use of the term ‘property’ was avoided since it conflicts with the property, property type, and property set definitions elsewhere in the IFC model.
HISTORY: New entity in IFC Release 2.0
IFC2x Edition 3 NOTE  Users should not instantiate the entity IfcProductRepresentation from IFC2x Edition 3 onwards. It will be changed into an ABSTRACT supertype in future releases of IFC.

EXPRESS specification:

ENTITY IfcProductRepresentation
SUPERTYPE OF (ONEOF(IfcProductDefinitionShape, IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation));
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
Representations  :  LIST [1:?] OF IfcRepresentation;

Attribute definitions:

Name  :  The word or group of words by which the product representation is known.
Description  :  The word or group of words that characterize the product representation. It can be used to add additional meaning to the name of the product representation.
Representations  :  Contained list of representations (including shape representations). Each member defines a valid representation of a particular type within a particular representation context.

Inheritance graph

ENTITY IfcProductRepresentation;
ENTITY IfcProductRepresentation;
Name  :  OPTIONAL IfcLabel;
Description  :  OPTIONAL IfcText;
Representations  :  LIST [1:?] OF IfcRepresentation;