Definition from buildingSMART: Abstract supertype for
the special types defining the object coordinate system. The IfcObjectPlacement
has to be provided for each product that has a shape representation.
The object placement can be given:
- absolute, i.e. by an axis2 placement, relative to the world
coordinate system,
- relative, i.e. by an axis2 placement, relative to the
object placement of another product,
- by grid reference, i.e. by the virtual intersection and
reference direction given by two axes of a design grid.
In any case the object placement has to unambiguously define
the object coordinate system as either two-dimensional axis placement (IfcAxis2Placement2D)
or three-dimensional axis placement (IfcAxis2Placement3D).
The axis placement may have to be calculated.
Informal proposition
- No two or more elements (subtypes of IfcProduct)
shall share the same instance of IfcObjectPlacement.
New entity in IFC Release 2x.
EXPRESS specification:
SET [1:1] OF IfcProduct FOR ObjectPlacement;
Attribute definitions:
The IfcObjectPlacement shall be used to provide a placement and an object coordinate system for a single instance of IfcProduct.
IFC2x Edition 3 CHANGE New inverse attribute.
Placements that are given relative to this placement of an object.
Inheritance graph
ENTITY IfcObjectPlacement;
SET [1:1] OF IfcProduct FOR ObjectPlacement;