

Definition from IAI: This enumeration defines the basic ways to describe how doors operate.

HISTORY New Enumeration in IFC Release 2.x .


Enumerator Description Figure
SingleSwingLeft Door with one panel that opens (swings) to the left. The hinges are on the left side as viewed in the direction of the positive y-axis.
Note: Direction of swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
single swing left
SingleSwingRight Door with one panel that opens (swings) to the right. The hinges are on the right side as viewed in the direction of the positive y-axis.
Note: Direction of swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
single swing right
DoubleDoorSingleSwing Door with two panels, one opens (swings) to the left the other opens (swings) to the right.
Note: Direction of swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
double swing
DoubleSwingLeft Door with one panel that swings in both directions and to the left in the main trafic direction. Also called double acting door.
Note: Direction of main swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
double swing left
DoubleSwingRight Door with one panel that swings in both directions and to the right in the main trafic direction. Also called double acting door.
Note: Direction of main swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
double swing right
DoubleDoorDoubleSwing Door with two panels, one swings in both directions and to the right in the main trafic direction the other swings also in both directions and to the left in the main trafic direction.
Note: Direction of main swing (whether in or out) is determined at the IfcDoor.
double double swing
DoubleDoorSingleSwingOppositeLeft Door with two panels that both open to the left, one panel swings in one direction and the other panel swings in the opposite direction. opposite left
DoubleDoorSingleSwingOppositeRight Door with two panels that both open to the right, one panel swings in one direction and the other panel swings in the opposite direction. opposite right
SlidingToLeft Door with one panel that is sliding to the left. sliding to left
SlidingToRight Door with one panel that is sliding to the right. sliding to right
DoubleDoorSliding Door with two panels, one is sliding to the left the other is sliding to the right. double sliding
FoldingToLeft Door with one panel that is folding to the left. folding to left
FoldingToRight Door with one panel that is folding to the right. folding to right
DoubleDoorFolding Door with two panels, one is folding to the left the other is folding to the right. double folding
Revolving An entrance door consisting of four leaves set in a form of a cross and revolving around a central vertical axis (the four panels are described by a single IfcDoor panel property). revolving
RollingUp Door that opens by rolling up. rolling
UserDefined user defined operation type  


  1. Figures are shown in the ground view.
  2. Figures (symbolic representation) depend on the national building code.
  3. These figures are only shown as illustrations, the actual representation in the ground view might differ.
  4. Open to the outside is declared as open into the direction of the positive y-axis.
  5. The location of the lining is defined by the local placement.

EXPRESS specification:

TYPE IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum = ENUMERATION OF

References (1):

Name Type Referred through Express-G
IfcDoorStyle Entity
Attribute 'OperationType'
Diagram 3