

Natural language names
Filter Type Air Particle Filter

buildingSMART Data Dictionary


AirParticleFilterType P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_FilterAirParticleFilterType
Air Particle Filter TypeA panel dry type extended surface filter is a dry-type air filter with random fiber mats or blankets in the forms of pockets, V-shaped or radial pleats, and include the following: CoarseFilter: Filter with a efficiency lower than 30% for atmosphere dust-spot. CoarseMetalScreen: Filter made of metal screen. CoarseCellFoams: Filter made of cell foams. CoarseSpunGlass: Filter made of spun glass. MediumFilter: Filter with an efficiency between 30-98% for atmosphere dust-spot. MediumElectretFilter: Filter with fine electret synthetic fibers. MediumNaturalFiberFilter: Filter with natural fibers. HEPAFilter: High efficiency particulate air filter. ULPAFilter: Ultra low penetration air filter. MembraneFilters: Filter made of membrane for certain pore diameters in flat sheet and pleated form. A renewable media with a moving curtain viscous filter are random-fiber media coated with viscous substance in roll form or curtain where fresh media is fed across the face of the filter and the dirty media is rewound onto a roll at the bottom or to into a reservoir: RollForm: Viscous filter used in roll form. AdhesiveReservoir: Viscous filter used in moving curtain form. A renewable moving curtain dry media filter is a random-fiber dry media of relatively high porosity used in moving-curtain(roll) filters. An electrical filter uses electrostatic precipitation to remove and collect particulate contaminants.
FrameMaterial P_REFERENCEVALUE / IfcMaterialDefinition
Frame MaterialFilter frame material.
SeparationType P_ENUMERATEDVALUE / IfcLabel / PEnum_FilterAirParticleFilterSeparationType
Separation TypeAir particulate filter media separation type.
DustHoldingCapacity P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcMassMeasure
Dust Holding CapacityMaximum filter dust holding capacity.
FaceSurfaceArea P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcAreaMeasure
Face Surface AreaFace area of filter frame.
MediaExtendedArea P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcAreaMeasure
Media Extended AreaTotal extended media area.
NominalCountedEfficiency P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcReal
Nominal Counted EfficiencyNominal filter efficiency based the particle count concentration before and after the filter against particles with a certain size distribution.
NominalWeightedEfficiency P_SINGLEVALUE / IfcReal
Nominal Weighted EfficiencyNominal filter efficiency based the particle weight concentration before and after the filter against particles with a certain size distribution.
PressureDropCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure / IfcPressureMeasure
Pressure Drop CurveUnder certain dust holding weight, DelPressure = f (fluidflowRate)
CountedEfficiencyCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcMassMeasure / IfcReal
Counted Efficiency CurveCounted efficiency curve as a function of dust holding weight, efficiency = f (dust holding weight).
WeightedEfficiencyCurve P_TABLEVALUE / IfcMassMeasure / IfcReal
Weighted Efficiency CurveWeighted efficiency curve as a function of dust holding weight, efficiency = f (dust holding weight).

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